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Cheeses are approximate in size since they are cut out of large wheels. You may be over or under a few ounces, we will try to get as close to 3/4 lb as possible. 

Asiago Wedge-Asiago cheese is an Italian cow's milk cheese that has a flavor reminiscent to Parmesan but is a bit nuttier and creamier.

Burrata-Calabro's Burrata is an individually handmade cheese made from Fresh Mozzarella on the outside while the inside is filled with Stracciatella, a blend of hand pulled FreshMozzarella strands and fresh cultured cream. It has a rich buttery flavor with a creamy texture.

Auricchio Imported Provolone-An aged Italian Provolone that is particularly sharp. It is often regarded as one of the best-tasting provolones in the world.

Fontina-Fontina is mild but distinctively nutty.

Gorganzola Picante or Dolce - Sweet, milky, creamy with hints ofspice. Picante is more aged – generally a year or more – and, as a result, is more piquant,firmer and crumblier. Intense, sharp flavor.

Locatelli Pecorino Romano-Award winning Pecorino Romano is aged aminimum of 9 months for a rich, nutty flavor andsharp bold taste

Parmigiano Reggiano Wedges-DOP certified

Sardo di Fiore-Fiore Sardo DOP, also known as Pecorino Sardo, is a semi-hard, smoked cheese madefrom raw sheep's milk and lamb rennet on the Italian island of Sardinia

Scamorza-Calabro's Scamorza is a semi soft cheese madefrom fresh whole milk and is lightly salted.Scamorza melts very well.

Smoked Provolone- Grande's own 2 lb block. Made the old way, this cheese is smoked and aged using Applewood to bring out delicate flavors. Excellent in antipastos or as a staple on any charcuterie board.

Taleggio- The cheese has a thin crust and a strong aroma, but its flavour is comparatively mild with an unusual fruity tang.


Procured by Tutti Quanti Fiskdale Ma

Imported Italian Cheese- 3/4lb Wedge

SKU: 35.234
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